#Selfcaresundays are my JAM. I truly believe that you cannot pour from an empty cup, which is why it's incredibly important to take care of yourself before giving back to others. There is so much more to loving yourself than a luxurious bath or day of the week though. When I first started my own healing, I had to come to ask, why wasn't the bubble bath working? The bottle of wine? The numbing of Netflix? What I had to come to terms with was, I couldn't numb myself and call it loving myself. I didn't think I was worth the time, my worth was linked to what I could do or provide to others. It didn't matter if I took care of myself. That wasn't an overnight revelation for me, but I did do the work to realize where it stemmed from and how to heal from it. Sometimes taking care of yourself means reframing:
I have to workout becomes, I workout and move because I love my body and everything it does to support me.
I have to wash my face becomes, I wash my face because I am worth the commitment and deserve to take care of myself.
I have to read more becomes, I read more because it nourishes my mind and I want to continue learning so I can grow.
I have to meditate more becomes, I want to meditate because it helps me find new perspective and calm my mind.
I'm exhausted, but don't want to say no to my friends becomes, I deserve to take care of myself without needing to explain my decisions to others.
There are many ways to find a new appreciation for the daily routines you implement and know that you are worthy of the time, commitment and boundaries you may need to take care of yourself.
Below are some things you can try throughout your day or week to gain momentum in creating time and space to take care of yourself.
1 - 5 Minutes
Dance Party
Make a Smoothie
Drink a Glass of Water
Write a Gratitude List
Get Some Fresh Air
Light a Candle or Incense
Make a Cup of Tea or Coffee
Roll On/Diffuse Some Oils
Buy Yourself Some Flowers
Watch a Funny Youtube Clip
Send Someone a Kind Note or Text
Stand in the Sun and Take Deep Breaths
10 - 30 Minutes
Take a Walk
Take Sexy Selfies
Give Yourself a Mani/Pedi
Listen to an Audiobook or Podcast
Connect with a Friend
Check on Your Goals or To Do List
Create a Bad B*tch Playlist, Cause You're a Baddie & You Know It
Pamper Yourself with a Face Mask
Clean Out Your Closet & Drawers
Make Yourself a Delicious Snack
Move Your Body (Yoga/Dance/Gym)
Unsubscribe from Annoying Emails
Declutter Your Social Media Feed
30 - 60+ Minutes
Go For a Hike
Play a Game
Take a Nap
Get a Massage
Watch a Show
Meal Prep
Take an Online Class
Crush an Intense Workout
Plan a Fun Day or Getaway
Cook or Bake Something New
Update or Create a Vision Board
Take a Break From Your Phone
Take a Luxurious Bubble Bath
Make a List of Stressors & How You Want to Support Yourself Through Them
Research Something You've Wanted to Try